
Literary Studies

Literary Studies, a vital component of the Arts and Humanities, delves into the intricate world of written and spoken word. It involves the critical analysis, interpretation, and appreciation of literary works, which can include novels, poetry, plays, and more. Literary scholars explore themes, narratives, and linguistic intricacies, shedding light on the human condition and the diverse cultural landscapes in which these texts originate.


Historical Research

Historical research in the Arts and Humanities entails a meticulous exploration of the past, employing systematic investigation of documents, artifacts, and narratives. The objective is to unravel the stories of bygone eras, reconstructing events and societies to understand the evolution of human civilization. Historians utilize primary and secondary sources for a comprehensive understanding.


Philosophy and Ethics

At the core of the Arts and Humanities, Philosophy and Ethics emerge as pivotal disciplines, providing profound perspectives on the fundamental inquiries of existence and morality. Philosophy engages in abstract contemplation, exploring inquiries about the essence of reality, knowledge, and the human psyche. It furnishes a structure for critical analysis and argumentation.


Visual Arts

The Visual Arts transcend mere aesthetic enjoyment, serving as a mirror reflecting the intricacies of society and history. They function as a distinctive lens through which diverse perspectives can be examined, inciting contemplation. Art, across its various forms, possesses the power to inspire, challenge, and elicit deep reflection, thereby becoming an indispensable element of the human journey.

Academic Programs

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Academic Programs
Social Science
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Academic Programs
Computer Technology
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Academic Programs
Business Management